Is this still a thing? And how do I meet a nerdy partner?
Hey, I have two pretty quick questions that I wanted to ask. Firstly, I was just wondering if this whole thing was still a go-ahead. Because I really like the idea of this website and the end result of the book that will be shaped by it’s readers, but it doesn’t really seem like anything’s been happening since February.
Secondly, I have a question about pursuing my own nerd love. I’m a 15-year-old guy living in London, and I’m a pretty massive nerd. I spend most of my time sitting in my room taking A-level courses on the internet and researching PhD level physics (the quantum stuff is the best!). I’ve never really been in a meaningful relationship and I’m starting to feel pretty lonely, I don’t have anyone I can share my love of physics, D&D and pretty much all the stereotypical nerdy/geeky things. Trouble is, it seems that all the girls in my school and friendship group are anywhere near nerdy. So my question is, how do I meet my perfect nerd girl and start a relationship with her, even if it’s not a boyfriend/girlfriend one? I just want someone I can talk to and spend time with. I’d really appreciate a response if anyone sees this. Thanks for your answers in advance!
Hey, Tom! I really want to quote Einstein to sound ‘nerdy’ but I don’t know that much. I am not even sure whether Einstein is off the chart or becomes lame in today’s Physic researches. I am Jane. If you call people who have the courage and intelligence to explore the world in depth to advance the human civilization, I am totally on board. I am a 100% nerd. Actually I just enjoy reading, going to lectures and talking about things in that regular folks are not interested. I cannot speak on behalf of every gal, but I find nerdy guys super sexy. They offer me deeper insights into the complicated, confusing and scary world I live in. I want to know why a plane can fly. I want to know the little secrets of the universe.
It is a perfect start to make friends online. When you go to a university, or work in a physic institution, you will meet lots of like-minded nerdy girls. 😉 Not sure if this helps! But good luck! BTW I am from China and learning English is my ‘Physics’. I have been learning English for years.
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LikeDislikeThanks for the reply, it’s good to know that there’s people who are attracted to ‘our kind’ and not just the ‘cool guys’. Also, Einstein is still and always will be friggin awesome!
It doesn’t seem like this project is going ahead though… it’s a shame, I was really looking forward to it 🙁
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